Final pig-out of Christmas 2013

Definitely. No more over indulgence for me. It doesn’t actually feel good at all!

I did have a bit of a bad week, despite my promises to myself to go easy and not eat unless I was hungry (except Christmas Day).

I had the munchies last night, not good. I’d a few glasses of vino as it was Saturday night and that was my undoing – I got peckish. Luckily we didn’t have crisps or other really bad stuff in the house and I wasn’t tempted by the kids’ selection boxes. But I found a bag of pistachios and wolfed down half the packet. I had a wee nibble at the cheese too and some oatcakes.

This was after a lovely dinner, so I had no business being hungry.

Last night I made the Hairy Dieters’ Argentinian steak (Halloumi cheese slices for me) – it’s definitely a firm favourite of both David’s and mine – the fresh herb dressing is so moreish. I didn’t have the frying steak that I normally use, as per recipe, I was using up meat from the freezer – so it was a tuna steak! And I remembered to take a photo of it but not my own – don’t know what I was thinking, was probably too hungry.


In an attempt to use up all the very naughty food (a bit like Shrove Tuesday) I had a croissant for breakfast today. David served it so it was rude to refuse. It went very nicely with the pot of Starbuck’s coffee that came with the hamper my sister, Marion, gave me for Christmas.

But it wasn’t going to be a lazy day – we’d asked the kids last night what they wanted to do today and they voted for a trip to the beach with the BBQ! And why not? It was a lovely sunny winter’s day and the forecast was for rain from this evening and all day tomorrow. Armed with matches, kindling sticks and flasks of soup (to keep us warm while the fire got going) off we went to Brown’s Bay.

David’s favourite thing in all the world is sitting in front of an open fire, preferably an outdoors one where he can happily poke at the embers with a long stick. So we left the fire bug to it and combed the beach for driftwood. There was slim pickings today but we managed to find a few dry-ish fallen branches.ImageImage

We toasted lots of bread and enjoyed the sound of a bunch/paddling/raft/safe/skein/sore/string/team of ducks. Who knew there were so many collective nouns for a flock (that’s what I was going for but it’s not right apparently) of quacking birds! They paddled up and down the beach, occasionally taking flight when Sam got too near.

Apart from a metal detector enthusiast and the occasional dog walker, we had the place to ourselves. Strange that, an empty beach at the end of December!

After all that fresh air, we were in need of a warming dinner on our return home. I had a bag of baby potatoes so used them to make (oven) wedges, skins on. I had mine with a beetroot salad. David had a rump steak (another freezer find) and the boys had tinned tuna with the bits of salad they like.


Sounds harmless, doesn’t it? BUT! I made a bread and butter pudding too. The panettone, given to us as a gift, was getting stale. Corrado was the only person to enjoy it up until then (it was very dry) so I thought I’d waste-not want-not and add some raisins, custard and mixed spice and bake it. It was delicious – I had quite a big portion too (I’m ashamed to say).


As always, I’m not looking forward to tomorrow – [danger music] Monday weigh-in. I know I’ve gained, I’m not kidding myself with even hoping for a maintenance weight of the same as last week. Bob Hope and no hope.

But the good news is that I’m ready to start again. I’m ready to plan and execute more delicious recipes from my favourite cookbooks – the Hairy Dieters.  I feel better just thinking about it 🙂

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